RippleNami Carbon ClarityTM System

It’s imperative that we address the issue at hand: the overwhelming chaos and confusion caused by over 100,000 carbon credit stakeholders working independently, resulting in the creation of data silos. Such silos are detrimental to the success of any nation, enterprise, or organization. Unfortunately, the current situation in Africa is far from satisfactory where no National Level Carbon Credit Traceability, Monitoring, Reporting, Auditing, and Taxation Program exists. It’s high time to take the necessary steps to establish a more collaborative and cohesive approach toward carbon credit management for the betterment of our future.
Consider the Kariba REDD+ project. It boasts of safeguarding nearly 785,000 hectares of vital forests and preserving wildlife in the region bordering Zimbabwe and Zambia. Additionally, the project’s 30 million carbon credits have generated a staggering EUR 100 million in revenue. However, two critical inquiries remain unanswered. Firstly, we determined that the promised EUR 30 million of co-share benefits never reached the intended communities. Secondly, the country leaders were not aware and did not benefit from tax revenue generated from the project’s carbon credit sales. We owe it to the country, individuals, and habitats affected by the project to ensure its success.
Eliminating all isolated data compartments among various entities, including investors, developers, certifiers, programs, exchanges, brokers, resellers, buyers, co-benefit recipients, and tax authorities, leads to the creation of a comprehensive profile.
Empowering Zimbabwe in terms of gathering, analyzing, and transacting data to ensure adherence, transparency, and revenue collection.
The Carbon Clarity system effortlessly integrates data from segregated siloes and organizes it into six distinct modules for easy comprehension.
- Module 1: Project Developers
- Module 2: Carbon Registries
- Module 3: Carbon Exchanges
- Module 4: Carbon Credit Buyers
- Module 5: Audit
- Module 6: Local Communities